Friday, June 17, 2011


Hi there Centralites!

When I was asked to take over as the new editor of Central High's newspaper, I was shocked.  Honored, of course, but shocked.  In the storied history of our school a Sophomore has never been editor of the paper and being considered skilled enough to not only write but trusted to edit the articles of other students is a huge honor for me.

If you don't know me already, I'm Shelby Vaughn.  I was one of the founding members of Merton Middle School's paper, The Merton Review, and served as their editor in eighth grade.  That paper is still going strong two years later and while I'm not the founder of our good paper here, I hope to continue the storied and incredible history of the Central Times.  I've also helped bring it into a new digital format, as you know if you're reading this.  School budget cuts may have slashed our print version but it's offered an incredible chance to gain experience in the new digital age.

We already have an amazing lineup of writers and columnists but we're still seeking more.  You don't have to be a member of the Newspaper Club to write for us - just send in a story and we'll see to having it edited and published.  If you're not a great writer but still want to contribute, that's fine!  Please come to our office in the East Wing and post an idea onto our leads board so our writers can cover it.  We welcome just about anything, from school events to fashion tips and much, much more, so please make a contribution.

What are we planning to do now?  I'm hoping the paper can put together a fundraiser for the victims of the recent tornado disaster which destroyed several neighboring towns.  Many of the survivors have nothing but the clothes on their backs left and need our help.

As always, I welcome letters to the editor and will be publishing them as they come along.  Any letters can be sent here.

Here's to our future as a school, a community and a paper!

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